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How do gut bacteria affect the body’s immune response?

Erik Thiele Orberg

April 21, 2022

For the AML World Awareness Day, Know AML spoke with Erik Thiele Orberg, Technical University of Munich, Munich, DE. We asked, How do gut bacteria affect the body’s immune response?

Orberg begins by discussing how the gut microbiome could be utilized to prevent development of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Then, he outlines the possibility of using certain bacteria to promote tissue regeneration, which in turn prevents the activation of antigen-presenting cells. Finally, he touches on the future of metabolite-based therapies and improving outcomes in stem cell transplantation (SCT).

Disclaimer: This video is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. German subtitles provided by

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