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Can you please share what strategies, if any, you used to deal with the news of an AML relapse?

Lizzie Dean

March 21, 2023

In preparation for AML World Awareness Day 2023, Know AML spoke to Lizzie Dean, a Know AML ambassador, who shared what strategies she used to deal with the news of an AML relapse.

Lizzie shares how she felt scared and had to learn to accept the news of a relapse. She tried to not worry about the things she could not control and instead focus on those she could control. Lizzie discusses how she not only experienced relapse once, but twice, following which she took part in a phase I clinical trial. She shared that “the expectation of that trial was that it could potentially extend my life a few more months. So I started thinking about what I could do in those extra months to try to give myself something to look forward to. It’s now been 4 years since I finished the treatment on that trial and I’m still here.”