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Updated March 4, 2025
A patient is said to be in ‘remission’ once there are no detectable leukemia cells in the blood and bone marrow and when blood cells are returning to normal levels. Around 2 in 3 patients with acute myeloid leukemia achieve complete remission after their initial treatment, which is a sign that that the therapy has been effective in killing the abnormal cells.
However, low levels of cancer cells can go undetected while patients are in remission, making it important to continue with treatment as advised by your leukemia specialist. While in remission, it is also essential that patients remain under close observation and attend regular follow-ups, so that if acute myeloid leukemia returns, it is detected early. Read more about acute myeloid leukemia relapse here.
American Cancer Society. Treatment Response Rates for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Accessed Mar 4, 2025.
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